Derik Stuffer v1.0
This is a little feeding game where you merely click and drag food to Derik's mouth. After a set amount of food
his stomach groans and expands!

Click on some food and drag it to Derik's mouth!
In the bottom right corner, there are three buttons; the gasous bubbles prevents Derik from making noise. This includes
waiting for food, chewing and gulping, and gurgles and belches. The speaker button stops music from being played. The
cupcakes on the conveyor belt causes food to move towards Derik's mouth on it's own.

Known issues: 

With the HTML5 version of the game when you auto-feed Derik and it reaches the threshold to bloat up the food continues to move towards his mouth. This is not happening in the executable. I am working to fix this but I don't want to hold off on the game anymore!

Engine: Game Maker Studio 1.4 by Yoyogames
Animated, developed, and voiced by: Tophatguy ( )
Sound effects from:
Music by: Letstrythisagain ( )

Special thanks to:
Eggo21 who without his help and understanding of GML I would not have been able to make most of the code.

Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(12 total ratings)
Made withGameMaker


FeedDerik.exe 9 MB